Folder & Sidebar

Show / Hide Folders

For better performance, consider hiding folders in the sidebar. This is a technical debt and I'm working hard to fix this. Sorry for the inconvenience.

To show or hide folders, check/uncheck View > Show Folders

Pinned Chats

To quickly access certain chats, you can pin them to the top section.

To pin a chat, right-click and choose "Pin Chat".

Hidden Chats

Sometimes you want to declutter the sidebar but you don't want to archive the chats. You can choose to hide them instead.

You can always show hidden chats in the menu View > Hidden Chats.

Sort Chats

You can change this option easily in the menu View > Sort Chats By.

Starting from version 1.16.8, chats are sorted by edited date by default. Folders are always sorted by custom sort order (you can drag folders to reorder them)

Compact Sidebar

For a more compact sidebar, select View > Compact Sidebar

Last updated