Kagi Search

The Kagi Search plugin allows BoltAI to search for relevant information from the Internet using Kagi Search API.

It works similarly to the Web Search plugin. Instead of using the Google Programmable Search Engine, it uses Kagi Search API instead.

How to set up the Kagi Search plugin?

  1. Make sure you have generated a Kagi Search API key. Follow this official guide to get started.

  2. Go to Settings > Plugins > Kagi Search. Select tab Settings then enter your API key.


At the time of this writing, The Search API is in closed beta and is currently available to Kagi Business (Team) plan. This is currently $19/mo plus search API cost (2.5c per search). Please reach out to support@kagi.com for invite.

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How to use the Kagi Search plugin?

It's similar to the Web Search Plugin.

  1. Start a new chat. Choose an LLM that supports Function Calling (for example GPT-4o)

  2. Enable the Kagi Search plugin. Optionally, enable the Web Browsing plugin.

  3. Enter your prompt. BoltAI should smartly decide if it needs to perform a web search.

Last updated