How to completely uninstall BoltAI

Or where does BoltAI store data

In some cases, you might want to completely uninstall BoltAI to start anew. There are 2 ways you can do it:

  1. Using a third-party tool

  2. Do it manually

Using a third-party tool

The easiest way to uninstall BoltAI is to use a specialized tool. I recommend using AppCleaner or CleanMyMac (also available on Setapp)

Note that it may delete all your BoltAI data. If you wanted to backup your data first, choose the manual method below.

Uninstall BoltAI manually

BoltAI store your data in the following location:

For Standalone version:

  • All of your chat data, including generated images, are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/co.podzim.BoltGPT

  • Your preferences are stored in ~/Library/Preferences/co.podzim.BoltGPT.plist

For Setapp version:

  • All of your chat data, including generated images, are stored in ~/Library/Application Support/co.podzim.BoltGPT-setapp

  • Your preferences are stored in ~/Library/Preferences/co.podzim.BoltGPT-setapp.plist

You can make a backup of these files & folders, then delete them and restart BoltAI.

Need more help?

If you still experience a crash after uninstall BoltAI completely, send me an email and I'm happy to help.

My email:

Last updated