Web Search

The Web Search plugin allows BoltAI to search the internet to help answer questions that benefit from recent information.

How to set up the Web Search plugin?

To use Web Search Plugin on BoltAI, you will need to create a new custom search engine using Google Programmable Search Engine then enter your Search Engine ID and Search API Key.

Follow this step by step guide to create your Programmable Search Engine

Go to Settings > Plugins > Web Search. Select tab Settings then enter your Search Engine ID & Search API Key.

How to use the Web Search plugin?

  1. Start a new chat. Choose an LLM that supports Function Calling (for example GPT-4o)

  2. Enable the Web Search plugin. Optionally, enable the Web Browsing plugin.

  3. Enter your prompt. BoltAI should smartly decide if it needs to perform a web search.


Unlike ChatGPT, the Web Search & Web Browsing in BoltAI are 2 different plugins.

  • The Web Search plugin allows BoltAI to search for more information on the Internet using a Search Engine.

  • The Web Browsing plugin allows BoltAI to read the content from a particular webpage

Enable both plugins to replicate the ChatGPT web browsing experience.

Last updated